The Great Fashion Stitch Up


Roll Up Roll Up!... "The Great Fashion Stitch Up" is coming to town!

Let's get creative, imaginative, stylish and have some fun! An all-ages, family event that's all about Textile Waste.

Live music from STARMAN The David Bowie Tribute Show, GRXCE and Blind Pretty. Workshops & Talks, Behind the Runway Fashion Parade, Sustainable Fashion designers showcase, Ramen noodle bar and DJ dance mix and "Sew" much more.

"The Great Fashion Stitch Up" event is in two parts.

Part 1. Maam Ganduying Park, Bellingen. 9am-5pm (Free Entry)

The Park will be dotted with marques with sewing machine stations where you are invited to get creative with textile waste. There will be approximately 750kg damaged clothing. "Sew" imagine how much landfill there is in Australia? Australia is number 1 in the world with clothing landfill. SAD!

Participants will make creations out of the unsellable garments and textile waste. Then strut their stuff later in the evening event.

Participants may choose to create outfits for the performers at the Behind the Runway evening event, with prizes awarded for the best costumes.

Designers from Sydney and local helpers will provide guidance and inspiration. 

"The Yarn Yurt" will have talks and workshops with special guests throughout the day.

The Bellingen Library will host a workshop based around transferring prints to refashion garments into bags etc.

Part 2. Bellingen Memorial Hall. 6pm-10pm ($10 entry)

Behind the Runway will showcase the community's creations while they strut their stuff on the runway to a DJ playlist accompanied by a slide show of textile waste landfill issues and solutions on the big screen.

Local designers using sustainable, recycling, upcycling techniques will showcase some of their collection. in a fashion parade.

Live performances:

Starman (Bowie) will perform a set of David Bowie classics to get everyone into the groove and will be MC for the evening.

Two live up and coming bands will perform on the evening: GRXCE and Blind Pretty.

There will be 4 major prizes given on the evening:

1. Best Bowie

This entails anything inspired from the 80s with Bowie Influenced (Selected by Starman)

2. A Little Bit Wonka

The most imaginative junior creations - doesn't have to be Willy Wonka, just wonderfully wonkerish! (Selected by Lemu Reeves)

3. Vinnies Vibes

This prize is sponsored by Vinnies Bellingen and will be given to the most creative family, duo or group. (Selected by Vinnies Manager)

4. Ripper Rockstar

The lead singers of both bands performing in the evening GRXCE and Blind Pretty will vote for the overall best Ripper Rockstar costume (Selected by Jamila Grace GRXCE & Jesse Blind Pretty)

Check Loving Spoonful Productions for latest event schedule.



  • Saturday, 24 August 2024 | 09:00 AM - 10:00 PM


Bellingen Memorial Hall