Time well spent…

Published on 01 May 2024


Over the past month I’ve witnessed the fruits of young people spending their time in some of the best ways possible; all in the name of creating art, looking after their environment and connecting community.

On Good Friday, an all-ages indie punk rock gig took place at Studio BMH, with touring act Gully Days headlining a bill featuring two up-and-coming bands from the Coffs Coast: Miss Communication and The Jam Jar.

The gig was produced in partnership with a group of year 11 & 12 students and recent graduates of CHEC/TAFE. They booked the bands, ran sound and lights, oversaw ticketing at the door and even operated a refreshments kiosk. The gig attracted 100 attendees and was pumping!

When confronted with technical glitches, the youngsters problem-solved with the assistance of a handful of older community members with a passion for making live music happen. It was the perfect blend of mentoring and young people letting loose in an inclusive environment created for and by their peers. Look out for the next one on Friday 5th July.

Then in mid-April, following a visit to River Youth Fest – diligently produced by Sam & Amy from OzGreen, where young people led an effort to plant 300 saplings along the riverbank, while young musicians entertained us with excellent jazz and hip-hop vibes – I once again popped up to the Hall, this time to assist the organisers of a film premiere.

And what an amazing, heart-warming community celebration that turned out to be. The inaugural screening of Doctor Time, made right here in Bellingen and featuring actors with disabilities, triggered whoops of laughter, tears of joy and a standing ovation for its lead cast: Raji Renshaw as Doctor Time, Luke Goody as Black Wolf, Nya Ennis as Sun Light and Flynn Iredale as Evil Time.

Presented by Upside Down Arts, this mini-film festival also treated us to several short films celebrating youth and diversity, all created by the brilliant Bus Stop Films, along with music videos including All One Under The Sun, created by Grow The Music and Bathtime Productions, both based on the Coffs Coast.

I’m keen for the Memorial Hall to play a part in creating a bright future for any youngster that engages with our community’s cultural institutions. If a young person in your family is curious about joining the team that produces our all-ages gigs, please have them contact me at Memorial.Hall@bellingen.nsw.gov.au

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